Tren A 100mg


Trenbolone Acetate

Is an anabolic steroid used for mass increase in cattle. And most commonly used

by bodybuilders for strength and size increase, as well as muscle preservation for




Trenbolone Acetate 10ml Sterile Vial

DOSAGE: 100mg Per 1ml

Half-life: 3 days

Trenbolone Acetate, sold under name Tren A, is an androgen and anabolic steroid which is used in veterinary medicine, specifically to increase the profitability of livestock by promoting muscle growth in cattle. It is given via intramuscular injection.


Trenbolone attaches to catabolic hormone receptors, blocking muscle breakdown. Its ability to prevent muscle loss makes it popular among bodybuilders and athletes who prioritize muscle preservation while dieting for a show or competition. It is one of the most potent steroids used in bodybuilding and has its reputation of extreme strength increase and noticeable muscle mass increase. Commonly injected every other day or 3 times a week.


Benefits of Usage:

– Increased Muscle Mass

– Faster Recovery

– Lean Mass Gain

– Extreme Strength Increase

– Increased Libido / Sex Drive

– Increased Drive and Clarity

– Increased Energy

– Muscle Mass Preservation



Possible Side Effects:

– Acne

– Body hair growth

– Oily skin

– Voice Deepening (for women)

– Balding

– Increased aggression

– Increase of red blood cell count if taken at higher dosages

– Heart Palpitations

– High Blood Pressure

– Insomnia


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